Hard-copy archive


Automated recording of documents in hard copies, barcoding, address storage.
The archive module organizes the process of recording for hard copies of the document, indicating the place of storage of documents, their receipt and transfer (with the preservation of scanned copies of transfer documents). The system saves scanned copies of paper documents in the database, providing links between paper documents and the corresponding versions of original electronic documents.
Documentation hard copies storage
The operations of document circulation (lending, returning and moving) are recorded by transmittals. The document indicates the type of operation, number and date of the transmittal, contractor/department, storage location, list of documentation, quantity, type of paper version.
After posting transmittal, the specified information appears in the document properties in the project tree.

Transmittal for documentation receipt
Record keeping of the hard-copy archive is carried out in the reference guide "Documentation Storage Locations" in the section of technical document management. The guide contains information about the territory, premises, place of storage and documents that are stored in this place.
"Documentation Storage Locations" Guide
The system provides automatic marking PDF files by QR codes. After printing the documentation, when scanning this code, you can go to the system in the card of the corresponding document.
Marking a QR code

If you have any questions, please consult with our specialists

Moscow, ul. Mitinskaya, d.16, business center "YES", 8th floor, office 803.

Metro "Volokolamskaya", "Mitino", 8 min walk


9:00 - 18:00 (Mon-Fr)